If you’ve been laying on the lip balm in an effort to achieve smooth, sexy lips, you might be doing just the opposite! With the weather cold and dry, you don’t want to suffer from cracked, peeling skin anywhere, especially on your mouth. The pretty pink lip gloss you picked out for your wedding day isn’t going to look so hot on top of all that dry skin! So what can you do to prevent or heal it?
Don’t lick your chapped lips. It’s tempting, but don’t do it. Your saliva contains digestive enzymes that can break down your lips’ protective barrier and dry your them out.
Try a cucumber. Alexis Wolfer, founder of The Beauty Bean, suggests cutting one into slices and holding it to your lips. The water inside will soothe and replenish your cracked lips.
Don’t pick at the flaking skin. It removes the natural skin protection, and can lead to sores that may invite infection.
Instead, exfoliate. Create a mixture of brown sugar and water and rub it onto lips until they begin to feel soft. There are also lip scrubs out there you can use to slough off dead skin.
Skip the orange juice. Avoid eating or drinking anything acidic, which may irritate and burn your dry lips even more.
Beware the lip balm. Contrary to what most people believe, many lip balms don’t hydrate the lips. Instead, they seal moisture out, so lips can’t absorb it. Lip balms that contain menthol, camphor and peppermint might irritate your chapped lips further.
Instead, moisturize. After a bath or shower, use a moisturizer to replenish the skin with the necessary water and oils. Or try a couple of drops of sesame seed oil which is rich in vitamins A, B and E, which moisturize.
Drink water. Keeping your body properly hydrated works from the inside out. Keeping yourself healthy and hydrated will help to keep your lips looking fresh for the big day!