Not all is black-and-white in Groomsville these days, and we’ve got some wild ones here! No, we’re not talking about stag nights, we’re talking about men’s fashion, specifically on the wedding day. If you’re a man of colorful style, take some advice from these handsome grooms: it’s your day and you can wear whatever you choose (as long as the bride approves, of course)!
feature photo: offbeat bride
Real men wear pink:
jose villa, ep love via green wedding shoes
They also like orange:
And if they must wear a black tux, a bit of red makes it stand out:
They also wear shorts and bow ties:
jose villa, james christianson via green wedding shoes
They even look dapper in checks (the more contrasting colors the better)!
They love hats of all shapes and sizes:
tec petaja via green wedding shoes, offbeat bride, the knot
… And printed shirts:
And they sizzles in black leather (that’s a kilt!) and boots:
And speaking of kilts, of course, cultural costumes are always hot!
The pocket squares are slammin.