As an alternative to the traditional guest book, Wedding Dates wedding blog suggests a caricature signing board of the bride and groom. You can mount it on poster board or in a custom matting, put it in your reception foyer, and ask your guests to sign around it. He suggests Irish artist Allan Cavanagh of Carcatures Island, but for those of us in the U.S. or other countries, I’m sure there are other amazing caricature artists available for this project.
You can also use a caricature on your wedding invitation. Or have caricatures drawn of your guests to add something different to the wedding fun. Put the bride and groom’s names and wedding date at the bottom to commemorate the occasion, and you’ve got personal wedding favors too!
Here are some pointers on using a caricaturist at your wedding, from
In my experience, caricaturists can be a fabulous idea; they break the ice, create talking points and put your guests on a light footing for the rest of the day. Not to mention the great mementoes your guests will have of your big day. Hire the right artist and they can make your day that bit more special, but as with any wedding supplier, make sure you choose the best or (like a mardy photographer) they could put a blot on your most treasured memories.
In general caricaturists work during your wedding lulls; after the ceremony, Pimms on the lawn and wedding photos, while people are standing around or after the wedding breakfast, as guests relax and unbutton their waistcoats, as new guests arrive and the venue is turned around for the evening’s entertainment. You’ll usually book an artist for 2 hours at your wedding, as there is so much already happening.
Whatever you do, don’t book a wedding caricaturist to draw either during your wedding breakfast or during the Disco; The meal is full of interruptions (waiting staff, line up, speeches) and wedding guests cannot be drawn while eating. The disco is dark, crowded and noisy, the worst possible drawing conditions for an artist… plus they’ll end up drawing random strangers and gatecrashers, instead of family and head table.
Here are some drawings from Allan Cavanagh:
So, what do you think of having caricatures drawn at your wedding? The ones above are amazing, but maybe I’m just vain… who needs caricatures that are unflattering? By definition: Caricature: to ape, imitate with derision. comic exaggeration – (the art of making) a drawing, description, or performance that exaggerates somebody’s or something’s characteristics for humorous or satirical effect. When you’re all dressed up and trying to look your best, do you really need to be reminded that your nose is slightly pointier than the average nose, you have big ears, or that you could seriously use a good night’s sleep? Um, no thanks…mine would go into a dark drawer somewhere. But I’d love to see what he can do with the rest of you!
I prefer something like this, from Give A Caricature, at least for the bride and groom… a little more glamor, a lot less ghastly:
As the disclaimer on goes: George may offend the frail, vain, or ugly!
…See what I’m saying??
For wedding favors that WON’T offend the frail, vain, or ugly, check out American Bridal!
I’m generally very nice to the ladies but I give the guys a harder time! Plus it’s hugely entertaining for the other guests as they see the drawing emerge.
Thanks for the link.