Maybe you’re thinking that you can really do without the toasters, new linnens, and salad spinners, but what you’d really like for your wedding is to enter marriage debt-free. Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to pay for your own wedding?
Well, here’s an idea that may sound tacky at first, but kind of grows on you the more you think about it… How about having your guests pay for your wedding? Click her to find out how it works and see a demo. Guests can join the online registry to make a pledge toward things such as a wedding gown, flowers, entertainment, and the first hotel night. There’s also a wedding cost calculator to help you organize everything. Want to save yourself a load of money and avoid receiving unwanted gifts?? Start having your guests pay for your wedding today!
this is just plain tacky. if u can’t afford the wedding, u have to big of a wedding. do not get your guest to pay for it.
Obviously whatever is rich enough to afford his/her wedding but many young people can’t . My son is getting married next year and is a student. Should he and his fiance get married in a registry office because the parents can’t afford the wedding? I think this site is a great idea.
The answer Mike is yes – if your son can’t afford a big wedding then he should either wait until he can or get married in a registry office. It is very tacky asking guests to pay for your wedding.